If you ever hear advice from expats to “Follow Your Dreams” and open a business, better pay them zero attention.
Expat businesses have a greater than 90% failure rate in Thailand.
Follow Your Dream and lose all your money, then have to pack in it and move home to your mom and dad’s basement.
Too many expats have zero business education or experience, fall in love, look for a way to start a business so they can live in Thailand the rest of their lives.
Sorry to be a party crasher, but life does not work that way here.
Most expats have no clue how to develop a professional business plan to financially prove their ideas.
Working with thb, you need more customers/sales than you can ever fathom.
Throw in all the rules and regulations of business ownership in Thailand, employees, taxes and the fact Thai people will copy your idea right next door to you and sell the same things cheaper, and you can see why most businesses fail.
If you are stupid enough to “Follow Your Dream” that way and throw money away, you deserve to lose it all.
If it was so easy to make money in Thailand, there would be 10,000,000 expats here.
Not just a bunch of old fogies on retirement checks.
If you have no idea how to formulate a professional business plan and financially prove your idea without a doubt, or pay some educated Thai people to do this for you, if you lose all your money here, well, you just bought yourself an education in what not to do.
People that lose all their money in Thailand due to their own stupidity deserve what they get.
Sorry to be so harsh, but the truth can be very painful.