Building an inground swimming pool in Thailand can be a very costly adventure. Prices around 1,000,000 thb are not uncommon.
Pool builders can build some extremely nice inground pools on your property if you have the money and the need for a pool.
One question I always ask, and to this day I have never received a sound answer, is how to keep the pool water cool?
Having pool water 34c (93f) and above is not my idea of cooling off. In fact when the water is that warm it is too uncomfortable to swim in.
Maybe people that have not lived in the tropics or owned a pool before may not realize this fact.
Even when building a shade roof over the pool, the water will be ridiculously warm.
I would like the water temperature to be around 26c of 80F max.
The idea of a pool should be to cool off in the hot weather, not to take warm bath outside!