
The Crazy Questions

I see the craziest questions on social media from people coming on a holiday.

Why would you book a holiday to Thailand or anywhere else in the world, and then go on social media to ask crazy questions like these?

  1. Where is the best place to stay in Bangkok?

PS: Bangkok is over 600 square miles in area. Do you think you could narrow that down or maybe provide a price range?

2. What is the best thing to see in Thailand?

The best thing to see in an entire country? How in the world does anyone know what you like or what your interests are?

3. Can you help me with my itinerary?

You have booked a trip to Thailand, then ask complete strangers for advice how to plan your trip? Crazy!

4. Asking if 1 island is better than another island?

Once again we have no clue what interests you and whether you want a full on party atmosphere or something quiet and relaxed.

5. How do I get to Bangkok from the Airport?

Seriously, if you have to ask that you are probably better off not traveling.

6. What is the cheapest way to get from Point A to Point B? Example Chiang Mai to Phuket.

If you know you are moving between destinations, do your own planning.

7. Where can I see elephants?

My gosh, have you done any research at all?

8. Where can I find Pad Thai?


Google is your friend. If you can manage to spend a few minutes, you will get unbiased answers to all your crazy questions.

There is a reason why Thailife2 is not a Facebook group.

Life is too short for all these crazy questions!


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